Field Notes of Hierophant Dra’gyr – Heliovun Campaign 218 A.E.
Day 1: Planetfall on Heliovun completed. The air is thick with the acrid stench of phosphor weaponry and burning flesh. Our forces are engaged in a brutal push against the Persephi defenses. I can hardly contain my excitement at the prospect of field-testing my remote viewing abilities in actual combat conditions. Years of research and preparation have led to this moment. The knowledge we stand to gain here will undoubtedly advance the glory of the Emperor and the Aoric Order. The loss of life is regrettable, but necessary for progress.
Day 7: First successful remote viewing of enemy positions achieved today. The clarity of the visions is breathtaking, far surpassing our laboratory simulations. I could discern individual expressions on Persephi troops, taste their fear, almost feel the texture of their uniforms. The intel I’ve provided has already shifted battle lines in our favor. General Krev’na personally commended my efforts. The potential applications of this technique are staggering. I find myself pondering its use beyond mere military strategy.
Day 18: Something odd occurred during today’s viewing session. At the fringes of my perception, I noticed shadowy forms hovering near the wounded and dying. They seemed almost… hungry. Initially, I dismissed it as a fatigue-induced hallucination. I’ve increased my stimulant intake to combat the long hours. Yet, a part of me wonders if there’s more to these shadows. I must remain vigilant.
Day 25: The shadows persist in my visions. They seem drawn to areas of heaviest casualties, congregating around the soon-to-be deceased. Conventional scans show nothing in these areas, which only intrigues me further. I’ve requested closer access to the front lines. If these entities are real, the implications could be revolutionary. The senior heirophants think I’m merely refining my reconnaissance techniques. If they only knew.
Day 33: Breakthrough! The entities are real, and they’re unlike anything we’ve ever encountered. I observed one seemingly feeding on the essence of a dying soldier. The process was fascinating and horrifying in equal measure. I’ve dubbed them “Soul Reavers” – a fitting name for these harvesters of life energy. I’ve requisitioned a wounded Persephi for closer study. The knowledge we stand to gain will more than justify any ethical concerns. After all, he was destined to die anyway. At least now, his death will serve a higher purpose.
Day 40: The Persephi subject is showing signs of extreme lethargy. Soul Reaver activity has increased around him. It’s remarkable – I can actually observe the being’s life essence slowly being drained. If we could somehow harness this energy transfer… the possibilities are endless. The subject’s suffering is immense, but I remind myself of the greater good. Knowledge demands sacrifice.
Day 47: Subject now catatonic. Vital signs persist, but all higher brain function has ceased. The Soul Reaver remains attached, continuing its feast. I must find a way to communicate with these entities. The secrets they could unlock about the barrier between life and death. The transition between the physical and the aetherial realms! The risk is significant, but so too is the potential reward.
Day 53: Success! By carefully focusing on their chroma shift, I’ve managed to interact with one of the Soul Reavers. The sensation is… difficult to describe. Like plunging one’s hand into a stream of icy water that flows in multiple directions at once. For a brief moment my consciousness expanded, touching the very edges of the Aetherial plane. The Reaver seemed surprised by my presence, if such a being can feel surprise. It probed at my essence, curious, hungry. I withdrew before it could latch on, but the experience was exhilarating. I must try again, push further. The risks are great, but the potential discoveries are greater still.
Day 65: Further attempts at communication have proven frustrating. The Soul Reavers, while clearly possessing a form of intelligence, seem to operate on a much more… instinctual level than I had hoped. Their responses to stimuli are almost animalistic in nature. They appear driven primarily by an insatiable hunger for life essence. I’ve tried various methods of interaction – projecting thoughts, emotions, even attempting to share my own energy in controlled bursts. The Reavers react, but not in any way I can decipher as meaningful communication. They simply feed, constantly seeking more. It’s both fascinating and terrifying. I find myself both repulsed by their nature and drawn to their simple, primal existence. There’s a purity to their purpose that I almost envy. But I must not lose sight of my goal. If I can understand them, perhaps I can control them. The applications in warfare alone would be staggering. And beyond that… the potential to manipulate the very boundaries between life and death. I must press on, no matter the cost.
Day 72: High Command is expressing concerns about the casualty rates in my research unit. Short-sighted fools. Can’t they see the potential here? What are a few dozen lives weighed against the secrets of the universe? I’m close to a breakthrough, I can feel it. The Soul Reavers are becoming more active, more numerous. It’s as if they’re drawn to our experiments. My own thoughts feel… sharper, clearer. I’m beginning to see patterns in their behavior, hints of a greater purpose. Just a little more time, a few more subjects, and I’m certain I can crack the code of their existence.
Day 80: Something’s wrong. The Reavers are growing more aggressive, harder to control. My own thoughts feel… clouded, yet paradoxically more lucid than ever. The boundaries between observer and observed are blurring. In my latest attunement session, I felt my consciousness merge briefly with a Reaver’s. The hunger I experienced was overwhelming, all-consuming. But the knowledge, the pure understanding of life and death – it was intoxicating. I can’t stop now. I’m so close to unraveling the very fabric of existence. The cost is high, but the reward… the reward is godhood itself.