saber academy
guilds & Factions

Online & South Australia
Saber Academy
We train every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Adelaide, South Australia. You can also train with us or join us online via twitch and discord.

Czech Republic
SaberArt Brno Z.S.
SaberArt Brno z.s. Is a non-profit organization. Star Wars fan association. We train every week from 5 pm to 7 pm, most often on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We focus mainly on choreography and costume performances.
Brisbane, Australia
the Kyber Order
Training every Friday!
6:30-8:30 PM
Roma Street Parklands in Brisbane QLD,
by the Waterfall
Peterborough, UK
Phoenix Sabre Academy
Training Fridays
17.30-18.30 (kids)
18.30-19.30 (Adults)

Norfolk & Suffolk, UK
Battle Sabers UK
Battle Sabres UK currently has 3 classes in East Anglia. We're in Norwich & Thetford in Norfolk and Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk

West Lafayette, IN, USA
Orders of the Force
We are a lightsaber LARP group with game and training dates. We train in different forms such as fencing, Kendo, kenjutsu, and a few other historical forms and just the fun spinning techniques.

Norfolk, VA, USA
Light Sword Martial Arts
Location (main) Norfolk, VA; many Brick and Mortar locations; Online training available. Class times vary by location and instructors. contact for more info.

St Joseph, Missouri, USA
Saber Arts Club
Training at St Joseph, Missouri. Meets 2x/mo, every other Sunday downtown at Zion United Church

Kentucky, USA
The saber legion Kentucky
Training at 1704 n Dixie highway Elizabethtown Kentucky 42701. Message for latest training times.