“Esteemed colleagues and acolytes of the Aoric Order,
Today, we delve into the harrowing tale of Kortos IV, a world that serves as both warning and validation of our sacred doctrine. As we explore this chapter of the First People’s journey, let us remember the delicate balance between power and purpose that we, as Aori, must maintain.
The discovery of Kortos IV is recounted in fragmented ship logs, preserved in our most ancient crystal matrices. Allow me to share a particularly chilling excerpt:
“Day 267: The veil of Kortos IV parts. By the Void, what manner of hell have we stumbled upon? Behemoths roam a blighted landscape. Titans of flesh and fury, their forms defy reason. Some tower like mountains, others slither across the wastes, leaving trails of caustic ichor. The air itself seems to writhe with their hunger.”
These creatures, dear brothers and sisters, were the end result of a society that embraced “might makes right” without temperance or vision. Early scans revealed ruins of a primitive civilization, suggesting that Kortos IV once held promise. But unchecked aggression and environmental exploitation led to their devolution into monstrosities.
Another log entry describes their nature in terrifying detail:
“The largest of the beasts stands taller than our ship is long. Its hide is a patchwork of scales, fur, and what appears to be fused armor plating from smaller creatures. Multiple heads strain from its bulk, each more nightmarish than the last. It is an abomination, a walking ecosystem of violence.”
The First People’s decision to cleanse Kortos IV was not made lightly. It was an act of mercy, prevention, and necessity. Here, we see the importance of wielding power with purpose.
When the First People’s ships breached the perpetual storm clouds of Kortos IV, they beheld a world that defied comprehension. The planet’s surface was a nightmarish tableau of devastation. Vast oceans of black, viscous fluid stretched between continents of jagged obsidian and fields of twisted, metallic vegetation. The sky, eternally dark, was occasionally lit by flashes of unnatural lightning, revealing the silhouettes of titanic creatures locked in endless combat.
Our records describe the First People’s response in terms that still send shivers down our spines:
“The decision was made. Our weapons powered up, cores pulsing with the energy of a thousand suns. As one, we fired. The beams cut through the atmosphere, igniting the very air. The surface of Kortos IV erupted in a cataclysm of fire and light. Mountains crumbled, oceans boiled, and the behemoths… oh, the behemoths. Their death throes shook the planet to its core. Flesh melted from bone, and bone turned to ash. In the span of a single orbital rotation, a world that had known only violence for eons knew peace at last.”
This brings us to the crux of our Aoric doctrine and the Selbeth Prophecy. We seek power and knowledge not for their own sake, but as tools to reshape Hyperion. Our goal is not domination, but elevation. The purification of Hyperion from physical dross is not mere destruction, but preparation for ascension.
The behemoths of Kortos IV serve as a stark reminder of what we might become if we lose sight of our higher purpose. We must be vigilant, lest in our quest for power, we become the very monsters we seek to transcend.
As we continue our expansion through Hyperion, let us carry the lesson of Kortos IV with us. Our might must always be tempered by wisdom, our conquests guided by the vision of a higher plane of existence.
The Selbeth Prophecy speaks of a time when all of Hyperion will resonate at higher frequencies, elevating the physical plane into the aetherial. This, my initiates, is our true goal. The eradication of primitive life forms we encounter is not an end in itself, but a necessary step towards universal ascension.
Yet, we must tread carefully. The line between necessary action and monstrous excess is thin. We must never forget that our power is a means to an end, not the end itself.
In our next lecture, we will explore practical applications of these principles in our current expansion efforts. Until then, meditate on the balance between might and enlightenment, between necessary force and transcendent purpose.
May the crystals guide your contemplations, and may we all play our part in elevating Hyperion to its destined glory.”