Martial Arts

Inspired by Science Fiction, Gekiken and LARP, we created a NEXT GEN armoured combat system that combines traditional Martial Arts, Gamification and Live-Action Roleplay.

Saber Academy

At a glance

We train in traditional martial arts sword, grappling and hand-to-hand techniques. Think Kendo meets lightsabers! Then we get armoured up and compete in Saber Skirmish, or wear cosplay and develop fight sequences for film and exhibitions.  


Explore an original cyberpunk/science fiction LARP to motivate your training.


Join monthly challenges and earn achievement badges.


Learn Aikido, Jujitsu and Kenjutsu with lightsabers!

level up

Gain Experience Points (XP) and unlock digital Futura Cards for your effort.


Act in and produce short films with other students

be rewarded

Receive real certificates and awards for your achievements.


Training is competency based and tailored to your abilitiies.


Specialise in several martial arts styles or 'classes'

Getting Started?

Here's what you need to do start training

join our community

We do different things in different places around the web. Our TikTok is the best place to see daily content. Our YouTube channel is the best place to watch our livestreams. But the best place to talk to us is our Discord server. Get in contact with us and let us know you’re on the radar.

JOIN A guild

Just like any other martial arts system, you’ll train under a fully qualified, insured and experienced martial arts instructor. When you’re ready, search for a participating guild near you, make contact, and make a plan to meet, try out, and join!

If there are no guilds near you then sign up to our online guild and receive full, one-on-one coaching with a qualified martial arts instructor. Be sure to read the Terms & Conditions of service beforehand.

Become a member

There are a range of different subscription levels to suit your needs. If you just want to attend faction nights or to support our cause then start with the Initiate level. Your fees support the administration of the platform, training faction leaders as well as the monthly challenges.

For additional training, masterclasses and one-on-one coaching anywhere in the world, consider the Adept or Zealot subscription levels.

Build your armoury

Our Armoury has a huge range of sabers, armour and cosplay accessories for you to really flesh out your persona. All of our gear is battle-tested and won’t break the bank either. 

Remember! You don’t technically need an actual LED saber to start learning but it helps to familiarize yourself early. Be sure to check the ruleset for regulations to make sure the hilt you purchase suitable for you division.

start training

We have tons of free information available for saber combat, but if you’re practicing alone you may want to learn our forms and solo katas. You can do these on your own and evaluate yourself, or you can enroll in our beginner program, where we’ll evaluate you to make sure you’re doing everything right. With enough experience, you can even get certified to evaluate others.


Every time you fight your stats will be recorded on our leaderboard. These are uploaded to the Saber Academy platform and become a part of your official record.

Some guilds may also run local tournaments and events under the auspices of Saber Academy where you can earn unique achievements, awards and prize money.

Would you like to

Know more?

What will I learn?

At Saber Academy, you’ll learn lightsaber combat techniques that have been adapted from traditional Japanese martial arts like kenjutsu, aikido, aikijujitsu, and atemi-ryu jujitsu. The curriculum covers saber-based skills as well as hand-to-hand combat, weapons disarming techniques, and fight choreography.

We offer both in-person training in South Australia, Adelaide, as well as an online curriculum for students who can’t attend the in-person classes. We are growing fast and are actively recruiting clubs to deliver Saber Academy so check in regularly or join our discord for new locations.

Yes, we have an online training program that aligns with the first two years of Saber Academy’s in-person curriculum. The online classes utilize live webinars and a specialized training mat called the Saber Grid to help students follow along. Students who complete the online training are also encouraged to start their own study groups and received additional support to become faction leaders.

Enrol in our 10 week program today!

The cost of training with Saber Academy varies depending on whether you are training in-person or online. We also offer different pricing for individual students versus community leaders running smaller groups. You’ll need to check our subscription portal for the latest pricing.

Saber Academy’s martial arts style is called Kyu Shin Ludo. Our curriculum blends traditional Japanese martial arts techniques with lightsaber combat, with a focus on sword work and armored competition in the “light armored division”. Our “heavy armoured division” incorporates more Aikido and Jujitsu elements. Think Gekiken with lightsabers!

Yes, Saber Academy employs fully qualified and insured martial arts instructors. With over a decade of experience in teaching traditional Japanese martial arts, we are committed to making high-quality martial arts training accessible and engaging for a new generation of students.

What sets Saber Academy apart is our balance of martial arts training, competitive sports, and live-action roleplay (LARP) elements. While we don’t use any Star Wars licensed themes or cosplay, we aim to make martial arts training fun and immersive by incorporating science fiction and gaming elements. This includes features like skill trees, experience points, digital content unlocks, and seasonal storylines and tournaments.

Yes, Saber Academy does offer “come and try” sessions, particularly for community groups and youth programs, to introduce people to our unique blend of martial arts and sci-fi inspired training. For corporate pricing, get in touch with us using our contact portal.

Saber Academy does provide training and events for corporate groups and organisations, allowing them to experience the academy’s offerings in a team-building or recreational setting. If you’d like to contact us for corporate or media events, simply contact us through the contact portal.

For online training, we take students from the age of 7 years to adult. In-person training starts from the age of 10. If you’re under 18 years of age and want to train online or in-person you’ll need parental supervision and consent before you can register for our programs.

While Saber Academy does incorporate LARP elements and a strong science fiction/fantasy theme, our primary focus is on providing high-quality martial arts instruction and training. The LARP aspects are used to make the training more engaging and immersive, but the core skills being taught are traditional Japanese martial arts techniques adapted for lightsaber combat.

Grand Saga is our ongoing LARP. It is a team-based, seasonal campaign version of Saber Academy’s Futura system. Each ‘Saga’ is a 20-week long storyline-driven experience where teams of up to 11 participants compete in armoured combat and advance the warring houses and factions of Hyperion.

Grand Sage is deeply connected with the Futura Card System and we urge you to explore Futura to find out more.

Futura is Saber Academy’s proprietary trading card game system that is embedded into our training platform. Futura can be used both as a standalone trading card game as well as a training tool for armoured combat, where the cards modify point scoring, unlock special abilities and gameplay mechanics.

We embedded the Futura Card System into the Saber Academy platform so students can receive digital rewards for their training efforts.

Gekiken is a method of training that closely simulates sword fighting, disarms, grapples, locks and throws in a safe but physically demanding way. We have incorporated Gekiken into our heavy armoured lightsaber combat to give more advanced students an opportunity to test their skills. To practice Gekiken, students will need to train in-person and learn breakfalling, striking, throws and locks as well as more advanced sword techniques, as part of our Advanced Kyu Shin Ludo curriculum.

For other students, our light armoured combat provides an easy to learn sport so you can compete straight away.

Gamification is a process of applying game elements to tasks and activities, in order to provide feedback on progress and to motivate students to achieve their best. We’ve “gamified” our martial arts curriculum, incorporating elements like skill trees, experience points, digital content unlocks, and leveling up to make our training more engaging and rewarding for students.

Skill Trees are visual representations of related skills organised into a ‘tree’. Saber Academy uses skill trees to track and visualize a student’s progress through the different techniques and ranks within the Kyu Shin Ludo system. As students advance, they unlock new skills and abilities represented on the skill tree.

Saber Academy operates an online store called the armoury where students can purchase approved lightsaber equipment, as well as other training supplies and Futura trading cards.

Yes, Saber Academy welcomes other martial arts instructors to join our program. We have an onboarding and training process to get new instructors integrated into the Kyu Shin Ludo curriculum and teaching methods.

If you’re not already an instructor you can also become a faction leader. Faction leaders run study groups and help organise fight nights using our Futura cards. We’ll give you all the training and coaching you need to get started.

register for our

beginner program

contact us

If you’d like more information about Saber Academy, including organising come & trys and public events, starting online training or finding in-person training times and locations, submit a contact form below and we’ll get in touch with you.

stellen alliance

The Karrow Temple Ruins lie the east of Valenor…



New User registration

This registration form is for new members of Saber Academy. If you have already registered, login to your account.

Fighter Details

Tournament Details


Kyushin Ludo

fighter registration

This registration form is individual fighter registration for Saber Academy tournaments & competitions. You mus already be a registered member with a guild or faction before you can register for a tournament.

Fighter Details

Tournament Details


kyushin ludo

initiate monthly subscription

For $40 a month:

  • Access the Saber Academy Training portal
  • Join a faction
  • Record your statistics
  • Engage in monthly Discord challenges
  • Receive unrestricted access to all videos
  • Member pricing on store items

adept monthly subscription

For $90 a month:

  • Everything in the Initiate level subscription
  • Invitations to weekly Guildmaster training sessions (either in-person or online)
  • Receive official rankings in the Kyushin Ludo system

zealot monthly subscription

For $240 a month:

  • Everything in the Initiate and Adept levels
  • Receive two free one-on-one coaching sessions with a guild master a month
  • Free registration for all tournaments & Grand Saga Campaigns
  • One free ascendancy registration per year

CAMPAiGN registration

This registration form is for Guild Masters and Faction Leaders registering their club for Grand Saga: Futura campaigns. You must be a registered  Guild master or faction leader to complete the registration form. For further assistance, join the Grand Saga Discord and have a chat with us.

User Details
Personal Details
Registration for Grand Saga

Campaign & Fighter Registration

faction leader registration

This registration form is individual fighter registration for Saber Academy tournaments & competitions. You mus already be a registered member with a guild or faction before you can register for a tournament.

Member Details


Note: File sizes must not exceed 2MB

Provide details regarding your proposed faction.

Training Centre Details
Next of Kin

guildmaster registration

This registration form is for Guild Masters.

Instructor Details

Note: File sizes must not exceed 2MB

Training Centre Details
Next of Kin

submit your results

Event Details
Fighter Details
Fighter A
Fighter B
Event Results
Fighter A Score
Fighter B Score
Faction Leader Details
Confirm & Submit

kyushin ludo

Confirm & Submit

Contact Us