Saber Academy Inclusion Statement

We strongly believe that Martial Arts can be practiced by almost anyone who wishes to do so. Our programs aim to improve one’s character through physical effort, and that can be done by anyone. The main purpose of our training is not any set of specific techniques but rather a certain attitude to life and a conduct that fosters self-improvement, perseverance, loyalty and respect. In short, in pursuing these goals, one cannot be limited by anything, except one’s own aspirations.

Although our martial arts are practiced in a group, work and progress are individual, and whilst we encourage all students to work hard, they are only expected to work as hard as they can. While Saber Academy does maintain competency requirements for grading and league tables for tournaments, these are designed to help students measure their own progress. Participation in leagues, tournaments, or competitions is entirely optional and, where possible, participants are matched by skill level, age, and rank to ensure fair and constructive experiences.

If you, or a child in your care, have any kind of disability, this may not necessarily mean that you, or they, cannot join us. We believe in providing opportunities for all students to work toward their personal best, regardless of their starting point or individual challenges. If you have any special needs, please feel free to speak to the instructor and we will be very happy to discuss how you, or your child can take part. There are many options available and it may be as easy as a modified training program, curriculum or even a smaller class group (instructors permitting). We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and develop their skills at their own pace.

stellen alliance

The Karrow Temple Ruins lie the east of Valenor…



New User registration

This registration form is for new members of Saber Academy. If you have already registered, login to your account.

Fighter Details

Tournament Details


Kyushin Ludo

fighter registration

This registration form is individual fighter registration for Saber Academy tournaments & competitions. You mus already be a registered member with a guild or faction before you can register for a tournament.

Fighter Details

Tournament Details


kyushin ludo

initiate monthly subscription

For $40 a month:

  • Access the Saber Academy Training portal
  • Join a faction
  • Record your statistics
  • Engage in monthly Discord challenges
  • Receive unrestricted access to all videos
  • Member pricing on store items

adept monthly subscription

For $90 a month:

  • Everything in the Initiate level subscription
  • Invitations to weekly Guildmaster training sessions (either in-person or online)
  • Receive official rankings in the Kyushin Ludo system

zealot monthly subscription

For $240 a month:

  • Everything in the Initiate and Adept levels
  • Receive two free one-on-one coaching sessions with a guild master a month
  • Free registration for all tournaments & Grand Saga Campaigns
  • One free ascendancy registration per year

CAMPAiGN registration

This registration form is for Guild Masters and Faction Leaders registering their club for Grand Saga: Futura campaigns. You must be a registered  Guild master or faction leader to complete the registration form. For further assistance, join the Grand Saga Discord and have a chat with us.

User Details
Personal Details
Registration for Grand Saga

Campaign & Fighter Registration

faction leader registration

This registration form is individual fighter registration for Saber Academy tournaments & competitions. You mus already be a registered member with a guild or faction before you can register for a tournament.

Member Details


Note: File sizes must not exceed 2MB

Provide details regarding your proposed faction.

Training Centre Details
Next of Kin

guildmaster registration

This registration form is for Guild Masters.

Instructor Details

Note: File sizes must not exceed 2MB

Training Centre Details
Next of Kin

submit your results

Event Details
Fighter Details
Fighter A
Fighter B
Event Results
Fighter A Score
Fighter B Score
Faction Leader Details
Confirm & Submit

kyushin ludo

Confirm & Submit

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